Tuesday, December 31, 2013

I am trying to move my site

I've decided that $57.10 is too much to pay every month for The Blog Peoria Project and TellPeoria. So, I've just spent $19.96 to open a reseller account at Hostgator.com. And Hostgator will move the site over themselves. The problem is, I need to get WiredTree to agree to un-deactivate my account so HostGator can move the stuff over. i have no problem with WiredTree. They've served me well. It's just the opportunity to save $25 bucks a month was too good to pass up.

And since I get unlimited domains on this account, all I need to do is BUY some domains and point them to my site. So, it looks like I'll be creating "peoriaundergrounder.com" and possibly "thepeoriapundit.com."

Any Blog Peoria Project member who wants to their own domain, contact me after the dust settles.

Monday, December 30, 2013

AlterNet: Attacks on atheists continue

CJ Werleman, AlterNet
America's most famous TV personality suggests atheists lack an emotional connection to the universe. READ MORE»

Paul Buchheit, AlterNet
The richest 1% have gained at least $6.1 trillion in the past five years.READ MORE»

Natasha Lennard, Salon
In a wide ranging interview, Chomsky looks back on this year's NSA revelations and ahead to the earth's destruction. READ MORE»

By Elizabeth Warren, AlterNet
"Instead of taking on the retirement crisis, instead of strengthening Social Security, some in Washington are actually fighting to cut benefits." READ MORE»

By Paul Armentano, NORML
Record highs of the public supporting legal cannabis for adult consumption. READ MORE»

By Joseph Torres, S. Derek Turner, New America Media
We just experienced a shameful milestone in the history of U.S. media � and barely anyone noticed. READ MORE»

By Kurt Walters, Campaignmoney.org
Hunting alligators with GOP Louisiana Senator David Vitter? READ MORE»

By Prachi Gupta, Salon
America still has a way to go in understanding diversity. READ MORE»

By Richard Schiffman, AlterNet
Carved ivory elephants may already outnumber living elephants, which are being slaughtered at the unsustainable rate of 35,000 per year.READ MORE»

By Ellen Brown, Web of Debt blog
Could we make the Fed a public utility? READ MORE»

Rauner blames the teachers in latest ad

Press release:

Bruce Rauner’s campaign for governor launched a new television advertisement highlighting Bruce’s commitment to strengthening education in Illinois.
Watch the spot by clicking this link: http://youtu.be/tceMIgEB684“I know the government union bosses will attack me for it, but I’ll keep fighting for better schools until every child in Illinois is given an opportunity to succeed,” Bruce Rauner said. “I’ll give parents more control and choices, reward the best performing teachers with merit pay, and challenge the bureaucracy and put more into the classroom.”
Since the beginning of the campaign, Bruce has highlighted improving education as one of his four top priorities along with strengthening the economy, reducing spending and taxes, and enacting term limits on the career politicians.
“The fact is education is the most important thing we do as a community, and if we don’t get it right, nothing else matters,” Bruce added. “I’ll make sure we get it right by putting parents and students first.”
As a private citizen, Bruce has helped give children in the city of Chicago access to a better education by donating millions to charter schools and funding merit pay programs. He’s been a leader in the education reform movement and worked with many education organizations such as the New Schools for Chicago, The Noble Network of Charter Schools, Chicago Communities in Schools, ACT Charter School, and the Chicago Public Education Fund.

They're closing Hamilton Boulevard

Press release:

Hamilton Blvd will be closed to all vehicular and pedestrian access on January 2, 2014 between Glen Oak Ave and Globe Street and will remain closed until January 8, 2014. The demolition contractor for Unity Point Methodist Medical Center will be removing the old pedestrian skywalk over Hamilton Blvd during this time period. Detour signs will be in place for both pedestrian and vehicular routes around the closure, please plan additional time to avoid this demolition activity.

For more information contact Vance Vinson, Facilities Department, Unity Point Methodist Medical Center  at (309) 672-4990.

Eric Reyes drops out of 117th District race, Schilling now running unopposed

Press release:

ROCK ISLAND – Republican candidate for U.S. Congress, Eric Reyes, released the following statement concerning his choice to withdraw from the 17th District Congressional race:
“I owe a special thank you to my friends, family, campaign staff & volunteers, and ardent supporters everywhere for their time and effort put into spreading the message of liberty in Illinois. I am eternally grateful to the people of the 17th District for giving us their time, wherever we met them,” Reyes went on to say.
 "This campaign has never been about me. It has always been about getting America back on the path our founders intended. As a party, we Republicans need to be united in our efforts and therefore, rather than continue to divide the party and waste precious time and resources of all involved, I have chosen to withdraw my candidacy and focus on advancing the principles of freedom, liberty, and limited Constitutional government by other means."
"The fact is, as bad as the situation in Washington is, the situation here at home is even worse.  We live in a state that is taxing itself out of competition for businesses. We have a budget and pension system that was recently 'reformed' by kicking the can down the road for the umpteenth time and hoping things will just magically get better. We also still live in the state with the most restrictive gun laws that infringe upon law abiding citizens' Constitutional rights and that have allowed increasing crime to continue to plague our society. I have no intention of standing by and watching our great state go the way of Detroit." Reyes said. Eric Reyes is a Constitutional Lawyer from Rock Island, Illinois. More information about Eric Reyes and his plans to restore America can be found at www.EricReyes.us

The year in crazy from Tom Tomorrow

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Grocery store. South side. Now.

If you think it's vital for the city to have a civic center and a ball park and a museum, but the loss of a poor neighborhood's one and only grocery store is just 'the free market at work' and not the government's business, then you need to resign from the Peoria City Council. Now.

Are 'native ads' the best way to monetize my blog?

Cause banner ads aren't generating crap. A 'native ad' is simply a text ad posted along with blogs (along with a disclaimer). I've got to figure out how much to charge and how often to run them.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I had this story two days ago

Council member seeks to find replacement for South Peoria Aldi store.

EMT takes kid to the hospital, gets fired for his trouble

Think the government is here to help you? Think again:

In the next 15 minutes, three more calls for ambulances came up empty and, [EMT Stephen] Sawyer says, he couldn't wait any longer. Despite squad rules requiring someone to be 21 to drive the ambulance, Sawyer got in the ambulance, drove some 4-5 miles, picked up the child, his mother, and the paramedic and got them to Ellenville Regional Hospital without an issue.

So, he saved a kid's life. So, you would think the bosses of this service would look the other way, right? Wrong.

In a 4-3 decision, the board said it would suspend him for 60 days, revoke his title on the communications committee and his title as advisor from the Youth Squad that he restarted as a 15-year-old squad member.

This happened in Ellenville, NY, but don't worry. We know from experience that the people in charge of delivery of EMT and ambulance services can be just as stupid and rule-bound here in central Illinois.

Blogger Bash at 6 p.m. Dec. 30 ... on a MONDAY (also, a belated Festivus Party)

Blogger Bash, the semi-regular get-together of Peoria area Bloggers, blog readers and social media users, will be held at 6 p.m. MONDAY, Dec. 30, at Donnelly's Pub, 4501 N. Rockwood Drive (just north of the Westlake Shopping Center). It will be held on MONDAY because Tuesday is New Year's Eve. It will also be a belated Festivus Celebration, which is normally held on Dec. 23. So, there will be a section of the event devoted to bloggers explaining how other bloggers have disappointed then during the year. In other words, like every other Blogger Bash.

View Larger Map

'New' PJStar Website is not only lame, but it's also SLOOOOW too

You know what I like about the redesigned PJStar.com? That fact that it's front page links to old, old. old stories from other Websites. Like THIS one from August. I mean, I read the link, and for a moment, I thought Mila Kunis was dead.

Mila Kunis -- not dead.

LaBamba at Campustown is closed up

I walked by the LaBamba restaurant in Campustown this morning at 11:30 a.m. All the lights were off. The door was locked several days of mail was collecting at the front door. No one was inside and the inside floor was a mess. No sign at the door though.

UPDATE: Two days later, the same thing. I think we can kiss them good bye.

AlterNet headlines: Get a brain! Morans

The right-wing's hit parade of madness and the politics of resentment.READ MORE»

April M. Short, AlterNet
The most common reason people are in jail is because they can't afford the fee. READ MORE»

Hold your nose and take a read. READ MORE»

By Joan Walsh, Salon
The Catholic conservative who insists he cares about the poor says Pope Francis doesn’t understand capitalism. READ MORE»

By Don Hazen, AlterNet
Covering the retirement crisis is our top priority in 2014. READ MORE»

By Nur Lalji, YES! Magazine
When it comes to the portrayal of women in the media, the whole world is watching. And laughing too. READ MORE»

By Amien Essif, The Guardian
In America, generosity is our personal secret, repressed by a lifetime of learning to distrust people. READ MORE»

By Jeremy Daw, The Leaf Online
Mainstream misunderstandings of marijuana are severely outdated.READ MORE»

By Katie Valentine, Climate Progress
It’s consumer-driven change, scientists say: if meat consumption goes down, the number of cows and other ruminants that expel methane will also decrease. READ MORE»

By Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez, Democracy Now!
The Obama administration has delivered a new shipment of Hellfire missiles to help the Iraqi government fight militants. READ MORE»

Friday, December 27, 2013

AlterNet Media: Tread carefully when the world's richest man owns your newspaper

Zaid Jilani, FAIR
The New York Times covers Carlos Slim—carefully. READ MORE»

Janet Allon, AlterNet
'I do defend Snowden just as MSNBC defends Obama 24 hours a day.'READ MORE»

Roxane Gay, Salon
Social media's outrage may be a double-edged sword. READ MORE»

By Michael Cohen, The Guardian
Suspension of disbelief is standard in Hollywood. But Homeland Season 3 makes unrealistic international relations an art form. READ MORE»

By Adam Peck, ThinkProgress
Joseph Epstein argues that we need more rich white men in power, preferably WASPs. READ MORE»

By Alex Pareene, Salon
Beltway media personalities dominate the list. READ MORE»

AlterNet Drugs: Marijuana effects are hardly a mystery, and the media should stop pretending they are

Paul Armentano, AlterNet
We now know as much about cannabis as we know about alcohol, tobacco and many prescription drugs. READ MORE»

From magic phrases to use on cops to the geniuses who used drugs, here are the stories that readers shared in huge numbers. READ MORE»

Susan Squibb, AlterNet
Here’s a collection of pot culture essentials for the stoners and midnighttokers you know and love. READ MORE»

By Jeremy Daw, The Leaf Online
Mainstream misunderstandings of marijuana are severely outdated, but the idea has persisted despite numerous debunkings. READ MORE»

By Tony Newman, AlterNet
I have finally succeeded in quitting smoking thanks to e-cigarettes.READ MORE»

By Phillip Smith, Drug War Chronicle
It's unclear exactly what message heroine dealers are trying to send by stamping their drugs with this name... READ MORE»

By Phillip Smith, Drug War Chronicle
And Uruguay's neighbors are already beginning to take note. READ MORE»

By Sarah Beller, Salon.com
The paper of record's insensitive approach only reinforces destructive stigmas. READ MORE»

Local media picks up on the fact that Aldi's closing will destroy the South Side

Here's a brief article on CIProud.com (AKA Channel 31). Steve Tartar's article from the Journal Star reads like a Goddamn press release from Aldi's in Germany.

AlterNet: Over-50? Good luck finding a job

Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet
Age discrimination could be headed for you, sooner than you think.READ MORE»

Sean Nevins, Voice of Russia
The power of the Tea Party doesn’t come from their numbers -- it's their financial backers, Chomsky argues. READ MORE»

Alex Park, Mother Jones
Candy and sawdust? READ MORE»

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet
What if you had a boyfriend who was arrested and convicted for domestic violence against you? READ MORE»

By Rosa Brooks, Popular Resistance
A closer look at America's incarceration nation. READ MORE»

By Marie Mutsuki Mockett, Salon.com
Once, after one of these trips, I said to my dad on the phone, "You know that feeling when you are full, but not stuffed? It actually feels good."READ MORE»

From magic phrases to use on cops to the geniuses who used drugs, here are the stories that readers shared in huge numbers. READ MORE»

By Max Blumenthal, Mondoweiss
The popular refrain now holds little meaning, except maintenance of the status quo. READ MORE»

By Zoë Carpenter, The Nation
IT companies won't address the privacy implications of selling Americans' personal information to online advertisers. READ MORE»

By Michael White, Pacific Standard
And not just how many times a day you shower. READ MORE»

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Now playing at Landmark Cinemas

Landmark Cinemas

Schedule for Friday, December 27, 2013 until Thursday, January 02, 2014 
47 Ronin (PG-13) 
Keanu Reeves • Hiroyuki Sanada
- 127 minutes
Fri - Mon: 9:50 AM12:152:407:3510:00
Tue: 9:50 AM12:152:40
Wed & Thu: 9:50 AM12:152:407:3510:00
Grudge Match (PG-13) 
Sylvester Stallone • Robert De Niro
- 113 minutes
Fri - Mon: 11:00 AM1:153:305:108:10,10:00
Tue: 11:00 AM1:153:305:10
Wed & Thu: 11:00 AM1:153:305:108:10,10:00
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (PG) 
Kristen Wiig • Ben Stiller
- 125 minutes
Fri - Tue: 10:00 AM12:202:405:007:20,9:40
Wed: 10:00 AM12:202:405:007:20
Thu: 10:00 AM12:202:405:007:209:40
The Wolf of Wall Street (R) 
Leonardo DiCaprio • Matthew McConaughey
- 179 minutes
Fri - Thu: 12:304:007:20
Walking With Dinosaurs (PG) 
Justin Long • John Leguizamo
- 80 minutes
Fri - Thu: 1:30 PM7:10 PM
Walking With Dinosaurs 3D (PG) 
Justin Long • John Leguizamo
- 80 minutes
Fri - Mon: 9:30 AM3:209:00
Tue: 9:30 AM3:20 PM
Wed & Thu: 9:30 AM3:209:00
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (PG-13) 
Will Ferrell • Steve Carell
- 119 minutes
Fri & Sat: 9:35 AM12:002:254:507:15,9:40
Sun: 12:002:254:507:159:40
Mon: 9:35 AM12:002:254:507:15
Tue: 9:35 AM12:002:254:50
Wed & Thu: 9:35 AM12:002:254:507:15,9:40
American Hustle (R) 
Christian Bale • Bradley Cooper
- 129 minutes
Fri & Sat: 9:30 AM4:557:2510:00
Sun: 4:557:2510:00
Mon: 9:30 AM4:557:2510:00
Tue: 9:30 AM4:55 PM
Wed & Thu: 9:30 AM, 4:55, 7:25, 10:00
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in 3D (PG-13) 
Martin Freeman • Orlando Bloom
- 161 minutes
Fri - Mon: 9:35 AM
Wed & Thu: 9:35 AM
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (PG-13) 
Martin Freeman • Orlando Bloom
- 161 minutes
Fri & Sat: 9:45 AM, 12:45, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00
Sun: 12:45, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00
Mon: 9:45 AM, 12:45, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00
Tue: 9:45 AM, 12:45, 2:00, 4:00
Wed: 9:45 AM, 12:45, 4:00, 7:00
Thu: 9:45 AM, 12:45, 2:00, 4:00, 7:00
Saving Mr. Banks (PG-13) 
Emma Thompson • Tom Hanks
- 120 minutes
Fri - Thu: 9:30 AM, 12:00, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15
Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas (PG-13) 
Tyler Perry • Chad Michael Murray
- 105 minutes
Fri - Mon: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, 9:25
Tue: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10
Wed & Thu: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, 9:25
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom (PG-13) 
Idris Elba • Naomie Harris
- 139 minutes
Fri - Mon: 10:45 AM, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40
Tue: 10:45 AM, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00
Wed & Thu: 10:45 AM, 1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40
Frozen (PG) 
Kristen Bell • Idina Menzel
- 108 minutes
Fri - Thu: 10:00 AM, 11:20 AM, 12:00, 5:05, 6:00
Philomena (PG-13) 
Judi Dench • Steve Coogan
- 94 minutes
Fri - Mon: 12:10, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00
Tue: 12:10, 5:00, 7:00
Wed & Thu: 12:10, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00
All Is Lost (PG-13) 
Robert Redford
- 100 minutes
Fri - Thu: 2:15 PM