Friday, December 27, 2013

AlterNet: Over-50? Good luck finding a job

Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet
Age discrimination could be headed for you, sooner than you think.READ MORE»

Sean Nevins, Voice of Russia
The power of the Tea Party doesn’t come from their numbers -- it's their financial backers, Chomsky argues. READ MORE»

Alex Park, Mother Jones
Candy and sawdust? READ MORE»

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet
What if you had a boyfriend who was arrested and convicted for domestic violence against you? READ MORE»

By Rosa Brooks, Popular Resistance
A closer look at America's incarceration nation. READ MORE»

By Marie Mutsuki Mockett,
Once, after one of these trips, I said to my dad on the phone, "You know that feeling when you are full, but not stuffed? It actually feels good."READ MORE»

From magic phrases to use on cops to the geniuses who used drugs, here are the stories that readers shared in huge numbers. READ MORE»

By Max Blumenthal, Mondoweiss
The popular refrain now holds little meaning, except maintenance of the status quo. READ MORE»

By Zoë Carpenter, The Nation
IT companies won't address the privacy implications of selling Americans' personal information to online advertisers. READ MORE»

By Michael White, Pacific Standard
And not just how many times a day you shower. READ MORE»

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