Thursday, December 19, 2013

Support citizen journalism by donating to The Blog Peoria Project

So, here's the deal. is down. That means NONE OF THE MEMBER BLOGS CAN POST ARTICLES OR BE READ. This is because I cannot at the present time pay my hosting bill. I am unemployed and cannot find an employer willing to hire me (diabetes, a stroke, bad back, fatigue, etc). Now, I have a temporary blog on Blogger I use when this happens (you are reading this temp site now).  I still need to get caught up on hosting. I need some luckily employed persons to donate amounts equal to $57.10. You can donate by going to the Website listed here and clicking on the yellow donate button at the top of the right sidebar. Or, contact me and make a donation in person and I'll get the money paid to my host. I'm gonna do great things with this WordPress Multisite when I get some money coming in. Trust me. It'll be great.

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